
Klarksons Insurance COO

Travel Insurance

Your safety ,i.e physical, mental comfort, ease of accesibilty to medical assistance, comes about when you allow us to patner with you when planning your trip to any foreign country.

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Klarksons Insurance COO

Life Insurance

Start planning for your child’s education. A good education is worth its weight in Gold. By saving something every month you can send them to a school or university of your choice.

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Klarksons Insurance COO

Health Insurance

You may not need it now, but in an instant, having it can save both your General & Financial Health! Health insurance ensures you access timely & quality medical care irrespective of whether you have money or not.

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Klarksons Insurance COO

House Insurance

This is a package cover designed specially for your residence. It is arranged to cater for almost everything you have worked hard for in your household

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Klarksons Insurance COO

Car Insurance

This policy covers both Private and Commercial Vehicles and protects the insured against loss and third-party legal liabilities arising from accidental damage,fire,theft and malicious damage.

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Klarksons Insurance COO


The Work Injury Benefits Act (2007) provides compensation to employees for work related injuries and diseases contracted in the course of employment.

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